

Fresh insights and news from EU CyberNet's activities and contributions around the world

To those who commit cyber crimes, national borders are meaningless lines on a map

It can prove rather difficult to explain the digitalised nature of Estonia to a complete stranger, particularly if they have zero experience of e-services and online solutions. But I’ll give it a go.

Margus Noormaa
By Margus Noormaa, Director General, Estonian Information System Authority
A trusted and cyber secure Europe

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) aims to act as a centre of expertise in cybersecurity, assisting with the development of Union policy, operational cooperation, cybersecurity certification and standardisation, and promoting capacity building.

By Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
COVID-19 impact measures & recommendations from EU cyber projects

The COVID-19 crisis and subsequent lockdown rules have left its mark on every aspect of our lives. The cross-border nature of capacity building work meant that lockdown presented also challenges to continuation of implementation to EU funded cyber capacity building projects.

By EU CyberNet team
Press release: RIA has published a comprehensive compendium “Cyber Security in Estonia 2020”

The Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) has compiled a comprehensive overview of cyber security in Estonia.

Information System Authority / By Seiko Kuik, Press Officer, Estonian Information System Authority
Press release: The new yearbook introduces the work of RIA and the events of 2019 in Estonian cyberspace

The yearbook describes the role of the departments of the Information System Authority (RIA) in the e-state and gives an overview of cyber incidents of 2019 in Estonia.

Information System Authority / By Seiko Kuik, Press Officer, Estonian Information System Authority
EU CyberNet – The new kid on the EU cyber capacity building block

It has now been 7 years since the EU adopted its first strategy for dealing with cyberspace. The 2013 “EU Cybersecurity Strategy: An open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace” inter alia urged the European Commission to recognize the need to develop cybersecurity capacity building initiatives.

Global Cyber Expertise Magazine / By Siim Alatalu, Director, EU CyberNet
International projects of the Information System Authority (RIA)

International projects are very important for RIA, as they help maintain Estonia’s positive image and raise the level of cybersecurity worldwide. They also provide a good opportunity for our staff to put their training skills to the test, establish work-related contacts across the globe, and share their best knowledge and experience with other countries.

The 2020 yearbook of the Information System Authority / By Estonian Information System Authority
EU CyberNet’s first events in Brussels

EU CyberNet’s main goal is to bring together cyber security experts, policy officers and implementers so they could share knowledge, vision and experience in their fields. To kick-off our work we organised two get-togethers in Brussels in March.

By Kristo Põllu, Deputy Director, EU CyberNet
EU CyberNet contributing to ITU Regional Cybersecurity Forum for Europe and CIS

On the 27-28 February, the ITU Regional Cybersecurity Forum for Europe and CIS regions took place in Sofia, Bulgaria.

By Kristo Põllu, Deputy Director, EU CyberNet
e-Talks: Uku Särekanno on EU CyberNet and cybersecurity

Uku Särekanno, Director of Cybersecurity at the Information System Authority talked about the new centre, how and why it’s established and why Estonia.