

Fresh insights and news from EU CyberNet's activities and contributions around the world

500th member joined EU CyberNet Expert Pool

EU CyberNet is more than proud to announce that the 500th member joined EUCyberNet Expert Pool!

Holiday Greetings

EU CyberNet wishes happy holidays’ season and is looking forward to 2025 with excitement!

EU CyberNet’s 2024 Wrapped!

EU CyberNet’s 2024 is wrapped: a year of building bridges and navigating the path to stronger cyber capacity across the world. The EU CyberNet team wishes happy holidays’ season and is looking forward to 2025 with excitement!

EU CyberNet’s Expert Pool – Strengthening Cyber Capacity Across the Globe

EU CyberNet’s Expert Pool, a global community build on excellence of cyber professionals committed to building a safer, more resilient cyberspace, has grown to almost 500 experts from 67 countries who have contributed to over 200 actions in 93 countries since its launch in 2019.

Building Cybersecurity Resilience: TTX Coaching and Training in Brazil

On a mission to bolster cybersecurity preparedness, EU CyberNet and LAC4, with experts Julia Schuetze and Andrés Velázquez, executed a full-day tabletop exercise (TTX) training for CTIR Gov in Brazil to equip Brazil’s national cybersecurity response teams with the tools to design and facilitate their own sector-specific exercises. Julia Schuetze and Andrés Velázquez reflect on their experience.

EU CyberNet Identfiying Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities in East Africa

EU CyberNet presented the key findings and recommendations of an assessment report on cybersecurity during a co-design workshop for Team Europe initiative Safe Digital Boost for Africa (SDBA) with East African Community.

Road to International Cyber Capacity Building: Marking 5 Years of EU CyberNet

As September 2024 marks five years of the EU CyberNet project, it is time to reflect on the journey defined by collaboration and commitment to strengthen global cybersecurity. Over the past five years, EU CyberNet has grown from an initiative into a key pillar of European cyber capacity building community connecting cybersecurity experts, institutions and governments globally.

EU CyberNet Highlights the Importance of Integrating Artificial Intelligence into National Cybersecurity Strategies

EU CyberNet Director Liina Areng and LAC4 Policy Expert César Moliné Rodríguez participated this week at the GFCE LAC Regional Meeting and GFCE Annual Meeting 2024. The GFCE LAC Regional Meeting was focusing this year on the identification of cyber capacity building needs in relation to the adoption of new technologies and AI.

Participants’ Reflection on Their Experience at the EU CyberNet Summer School 2024

The EU CyberNet Summer School 2024, held in Lisbon from 21st to 23rd August 2024, brought together a diverse group of cybersecurity professionals, each with unique motivations and insights. As they reflect on their experiences, they take stock on their drive to enhance their knowledge, the importance of being part of the EU CyberNet Expert Pool and their views on the most pressing issues in cybersecurity today.