
EU Cyber Diplomacy Fellowship Concluded with a Visit to New York

The EU Cyber Diplomacy Fellowship, aimed to enhance global cooperation and contribute to the United Nations’ framework for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, concluded this week after series of monthly activities with a visit to New York where the Fellows participated in the 8th United Nation’s session of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on ICTs and several side-events.

At the core of the agenda were participating in the negotiations process of the OEWG at the United Nations Headquarters. The negotiations focused on developing rules, norms, and principles for responsible state behaviour in the use of ICTs, studying and countering information security threats, and establishing regular institutional dialogue among states, while also exploring how international law applies to state use of ICTs and promoting capacity-building measures.

The Fellows engaged in various high-level discussions and events throughout the week. They were able to attend several briefings on topical matters by stakeholders, such as the Delegation of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations, the EU’s External Actions Services (EEAS) and the UN Office on Disarmament Affairs.

The Fellows attended a number of side-events:

Looking Ahead

As the EU Cyber Diplomacy Fellowship concludes, the participants from Benin, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Montenegro, Nigeria, Serbia, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine and Uruguay are returning to home with enhanced skills and knowledge. They will continue to contribute to international cyber diplomacy debates, strengthening global efforts to promote a secure digital future. The fellowship, in cooperation with EU Cyber Direct, has been instrumental in supporting professionals from governmental and non-governmental sectors in addressing critical issues such as countering cybercrime, strengthening cyber resilience, data governance, and digital cooperation.

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