
Welcome to Expert Pool!

How to join and what to expect after joining? Read more to find everything you need to know about EU CyberNet online platform!

About the EU CyberNet technical platform CynAct

The EU CyberNet network connects the cyber experts, the competent organisations and the EU’s ongoing and future efforts in external cyber capacity building. We aim to improve coordination between all parties and thus achieve a better overview of the EU-wide expertise. This also means better use of the valuable human resource and know-how that forms a critical building block of the Union’s daily cybersecurity.

You can find the Terms and Service here.

The core of our network is an online platform, through which experts in our community can join for various cybersecurity missions, meetings, conferences and exercises.

Experts in our network:

  1. share expertise through unique assignments in different locations around the world
  2. bring alternation and enrichment to their everyday professional lives through participating in calls for action
  3. establish new professional relationships across the EU and beyond

Using our platform CynAct

How to join?

  1. After you have shown interest in joining EU CyberNet network and filled out the form (can be found from here), our team will get back to you within 5 working days and send you a feedback about your application.
  2. After our team has confirmed your application, we will send you an invitation to CynAct to fill out your profile, where you can list your skillsets, availability and other important information essential for you to be an active member in our network.
  3. After we have reviewed and accepted your profile, you are ready to explore CynAct, see all calls for action and update your profile.

What you need to know about expert profile

To join the network, experts must fill out their professional profile based on their knowledge and expertise. The profile includes 5 steps:

  1. personal and professional experience
  2. cyber competences (skillsets) and detailed keywords that characterise your knowledge
  3. other competences
  4. education
  5. availability (to join the cyber missions)

It is vital to get the second step (cyber competences) right, it is the core part of your expert profile.

See the video tutorial for using CynAct for experts:

Accessing CynAct

To ensure security, the EU CyberNet platform uses passwordless log-in process. To access your account, please go to and click ”Login” at the top of the page. Choose your role and insert your email, where you will receive a one-time secure link to access the EU CyberNet online platform. The link is accessible only once and expires after 3 hours. Once you log out or the link expires, you can just repeat the process and ask for a new link.

After logging in, you will see your personal dashboard. You can review and update your profile or see the Calls for Action that have been listed by the Stakeholder Community or EU CyberNet.

Call for Action (CFA)

Calls for Action can be different in nature, such as but not limited to an invitation or a speaking opportunity at a conference,  a training or advising mission, etc.

See the introductory video about Calls for Action on CynAct:

Viewing CFA

You can see all calls for action that are listed by stakeholders on our platform. For that, please select “All calls for action”. You can filter the Calls, see the ones that match with your personal skills, as well as your active and past ones. You can contact the stakeholder who posted the call for action for further information.

Applying for CFA

CynAct allows you to show your interest in the Calls for Action. When you decide to apply to a Call for Action (Show interest), your profile data will be shared with the corresponding Stakeholder’s point of contact, who has published the CFA.
Experts who have shown interest in a call for action are only visible to the stakeholder, who listed the call. Feedback to your interest will be provided by the host of the CFA.

Keeping your profile up-to-date

You can update your profile at any time when logged in to CynAct, including notifications. To ensure the security and transparency, all changes made are reviewed by the EU CyberNet Team within 5 working days. When your edits are in review, you cannot make additional updates to your profile until the EU CyberNet Team has accepted or rejected your changes.

To keep in mind

  1. The profile form must be filled out all at once – please do not close the form before filling out all the fields. Closing the form will lose all your work.
  2. We protect your data. Your profile information is secured with us. You can find Privacy Policy here.
  3. EU CyberNet team will manually review all profiles to ensure the quality of the network.
  4. Notice about your profile published will be sent to you, when its ready.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about joining the platform, please don’t hesitate to contact us on or leave us a message through contact form.