
EU CyberNet’s first events in Brussels

EU CyberNet’s main goal is to bring together cyber security experts, policy officers and implementers so they could share knowledge, vision and experience in their fields. To kick-off our work we organised two get-togethers in Brussels in March.

EU CyberNet has further expanded its activities to include providing cybersecurity related trainings and expert briefings. The week of March 9, 2020 started with organising a special awareness session for approximately 20 senior and middle level managers of the European Commission services involved in international and development cooperation. Cybersecurity forms an integral part of the European Union’s global actions for advancing digitalisation. The session featuring EU CyberNet and CERT-EU experts covered the trends and threat landscape, also touching on the efforts needed to ensure safety and security of cyber space.

On March 10-11 EU CyberNet organised a two-day workshop that brought together 31 policy officers and programme managers from the EU institutions, United Nations, the Council of Europe and team leaders of the various EU cyber capacity building projects. The workshop featuring speakers from a DGs DEVCO, CNECT, and NEAR, the EEAS, CERT.EE, EUISS and other bodies included updates on EU’s policy, priorities and challenges for near future regarding cybersecurity, cybercrime, development cooperation and cyberdiplomacy. The discussion focused on the context of project implementation and issues related to improving coordination and delivery. The EUISS introduced the Operational Guidelines for the EU’s international cooperation on cyber capacity building.

Building on the success of the first iteration EU CyberNet plans to continue to organise similar briefings in the future. The best way to keep up with the latest news is to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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