
EU CyberNet Summer School 2024 Day 2 Wrap-Up: Building Resilience

The second day of the EU CyberNet Summer School 2024 brought a multitude of insights, practical tips and conceptual understanding into the resilience of critical infrastructures. With a focus on understanding different threat vectors in maritime security, the day was filled with in-depth discussions and practical exercises aimed.

The morning sessions by Daniel Ioniţă centered on the importance of cohesive strategies to bring together public and private sector efforts. Participants explored various approaches to building a strong national cyber framework, emphasizing the need for collaboration and trust across all levels of the supply chain. Participants also gained an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of different national and international actors.

Expert Gonçalo Cadete explained the governance aspects of critical infrastructure resilience. The discussion revolved around the crucial question of trust within the supply chain—an issue that is becoming increasingly vital as cyber-physical systems grow more complex. Participants shared strategies for ensuring that their infrastructures remain resilient against a wide range of threats, and discussed the difficulties of ensuring cybersecurity as it’s complex, involved rapid technological change and trustworthiness.

The maritime sector remained a key focus, with sessions dedicated to the challenges of setting up and operating Maritime CERT/CSIRT by Daniel Ioniţă. Participants exchanged best practices and experiences, underscoring the importance of having robust incident response capabilities tailored specifically for the maritime domain.

Internal threats within the maritime industry were also addressed, with expert Sérgio Bryton providing valuable strategies for mitigating risks from within. As these threats become more sophisticated, a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity is essential.

The day concluded with a challenging group exercise where participants, acting as a cybersecurity team for a major port, needed to tackle complex issues such as drug trafficking, corruption and internal challenges. This scenario-based training sharpened participants’ ability to manage cybersecurity in complex, real-world situations, providing them with practical experience that will be invaluable in their professional roles.

The EU CyberNet Summer School will conclude tomorrow, on 23rd August with a short session on maritime systems and group activity.

Follow @eucybernet on X to stay current as the Summer School’s program continues.

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