
EU CyberNet Participated in International Discussions on Cyber Capacity Building at UNHQ

This month, Silja-Madli Ossip, the Community Lead of EU CyberNet participated in multiple discussions at the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) – Global Roundtable on ICT Security Capacity-Building, OEWG Inter-sessional meeting on cyber threats posed by emerging technologies and a Side-Event on the future of responsible state behaviour in an evolving cyber capacity ecosystem.  

On 10 May, EU CyberNet participated at the Global Roundtable on ICT Security Capacity-Building hosted by the Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group on ICTs at the UNHQ. The roundtable provided an action-oriented platform for capacity-building practitioners, State representatives, and interested stakeholders, to exchange ideas, share best practices, and build partnerships, with the aim of enhancing synergies and advancing the international community’s work on capacity-building in concrete ways.  

“Among other stakeholders, EU CyberNet took the floor during the match-making session to introduce project activities and objectives to the global audience among the different stakeholders, out of which many already belong to our Stakeholder Community, such as EUISS, Independent Diplomat, Global Cyber Alliance, FIRST, etc,” Silja-Madli Ossip noted. EU CyberNet’s presentation can be found here.

On 13 May, EU CyberNet participated in the Inter-sessional meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on ICTs, where the focus was on existing and potential threats to cybersecurity due to emerging technologies. Many interesting briefings were delivered by various academics and practitioners from around the world.  

On the same day, a Side-Event on the future of responsible state behaviour in an evolving cyber capacity ecosystem was co-organised by EEAS, EUISS, GFCE and UNIDIR. SIlja-Madli Ossip explained that the session tackled the multi-layered landscape in cyber capacity building and the interplay of national efforts with international ecosystem. “The speakers at the side-event pointed out that CCB projects have expanded in the number of actions, scope, and approach, such as different mechanisms, like fellowships. However, there is a lot of fragmentation in CCB, thus the discussion explored possible strategies to globally tackle this issue. Throughout these sessions, the need to bring together multi-stakeholder partners to discuss the high demand and expectations in the CCB field was highlighted. EU CyberNet as an EU-funded project, but also a stakeholder to the UN in larger terms, is happy to contribute through various initiatives, like LAC4, EU:CD fellowship, EU’s CCB projects mapping, and others,” Ossip said 

EU CyberNet will continue participating in such discussions to strengthen the global delivery, coordination and coherence of the EU’s external cyber capacity building projects, and reinforce EU’s capacity to provide technical assistance to partner countries and organisations in the areas of cybersecurity and countering cybercrime. 

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