
e-Talks: Uku Särekanno on EU CyberNet and cybersecurity

Uku Särekanno, Director of Cybersecurity at the Information System Authority talked about the new centre, how and why it’s established and why Estonia.

It was announced this summer that the Information System Authority has signed a contract with the European Commission to establish EU CyberNet, a new cyber centre of excellence. We spoke to Uku Särekanno, Director of Cybersecurity at the Information System Authority about the new centre, how and why it’s established and why Estonia (that’s, of course, not too difficult to figure out).

In this e-Talk, Uku Särekanno explains the funding behind the EU-CyberNET, which is a network of experts that will assist and assemble expertise to countries inside and outside of Europe.

Of course, some practical tips on how to keep your everyday cybersecurity up to date, are also included. After all, security begins from home and we all should lead by example.

Watch it on YouTube 

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