
Cyber Project Community Meeting

On 11 February our Cyber Project Community held its 4th meeting. Organised in cooperation with the Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments and the European External Action Service, the Community brings together implementers of the EU-funded actions to improve coordination and is also open to EU officials.

The meeting started with information about new initiatives and updates from the Commission and the EEAS. The institutions are working to establish the EU Cyber Capacity Building Board, in order to ensure the overall coherence and coordination of EU’s external cyber capacity building activities and the effective use of EU funds in line with the EU’s core values and principles. EU CyberNet has been tasked to support that effort by the FPI and provide mapping on EU-funded cyber capacity-building projects and work together with Member States authorities to extend the mapping.

Colleagues from DG INPTA and  Digital4Developement Hub presented an overview of D4D set-up and plans with a focus on African Union – European Union D4D Hub project activities. Representatives of 17 projects participated and gave a short overview of their current situation and future plans.

The last part of the meeting was dedicated to information sharing about projects’ activities highlighting major milestones and events that will take place in the next 6 months.

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