
EU CyberNet Summer School “Design and Execution of Cyber Security Exercises”

From 14 – 16 August 2023, EU CyberNet is organizing, in cooperation with the Czech national cyber security authority – NÚKIB, Summer School on how to design and execute cyber security exercises.

Due to increased demand for conducting cyber security exercises in EUCN target countries, EUCN will seek to increase the relevant expertise to encourage and enable members of the expert community to participate in exercise-themed missions. The Summer School concept was initiated in 2022 to enable experts from the Pool to update the skills and prepare new potential trainers.

The purpose of the Summer School is to teach the experts the foundations of designing and executing cybersecurity exercises. EUCN is training 24 of our experts using a train-the-trainer approach, who would be able to transfer their knowledge during future EUCN missions.

During this 3-day physical classroom training, consisting of blocks of theoretical and practical sessions, trainers will:

  • teach the experts a methodology with regard to the three stages of exercise design and implementation cycle (preparation and planning, execution, and after actions);
  • provide the experts the necessary knowledge for developing, preparing, conducting, and evaluating cybersecurity exercises based on a pre-defined criterion (example: foundations of determining the stakeholders, processes, legal principles);
  • offer the experts hands-on experiences in all stages of designing and executing a cyber exercise by engaging them in practical individual and group activities.