
CCB projects mapping

Budget of ongoing EU-funded projects
113,956,542 €
EU-funded projects
EU Member States’ funded projects
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The mapping of EU-funded and EU Member States (MS) funded external cyber capacity building projects in the third countries is compiled by EU CyberNet at the request of the Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and the European External Action Service (EEAS). The main purpose of the mapping is to increase operational awareness, enhance coordination, reduce fragmentation and support target groups (Commission services, EU-funded projects & initiatives, EU Member State’s actions). The mapping relies on voluntary contributions from the Member States, and they have right to request the information not to be published. The mapping is not meant to be a comprehensive and final overview of all the actions in cyber domain.

The mapping is based on an online questionnaire shared with EU-funded project implementers and Member States, and is published for informative purposes. Neither EU CyberNet nor the Commission services are taking responsibility for the accuracy of the data and are not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of the data.
The data fields selected for the mapping were set in an agreement with Commission services and the EEAS.

Although the data will be regularly updated, we cannot guarantee that all changes will be immediately published.

Implementers of new EU-funded projects can submit their contribution here and implementers of new Member States’ funded projects here.